2022 Student Ambassador Award
At the end of my tenure working for Enterprise Ireland as a Student Ambassador - creating video and written content promoting Education in Ireland - I was invited to Trinity College Dublin to receive an award from the Irish Department of Education. Helping to present the honor was the president of my institution (Mary Immaculate College) Professor Eugene Wall, the presidents of various Irish universities across the country, and U.S. Ambassador to Ireland Claire D. Cronin.
Being invited to Trinity with such a wide array of fellow students from all over the globe was an honor that I still hold close to my heart, and getting to chat with Ambassador Cronin about Boston and Chicago was a turn of events that I could have never imagined stepping off the plane at Shannon Airport only months before.
For more info on my fellow Ambassadors and the program itself, visit: https://blog.educationinireland.com/2022-student-ambassadors/